SERVICES: Pneu-Dart Dealer
Leduc Farm Animal Hospital is proud to be an Alberta dealer for the Pneu-Dart Remote Delivery System!
Pneu-Dart Rifles are a great option for producers wanting to treat their animals on-farm. Using a dart gun on pasture allows producers to provide quick and easy treatment to their animals without the stress of separating them from the herd and running them through the chute. It may also reduce the number of treatments an animal may need as the convenience of treating on pasture allows for earlier disease detection and earlier disease management.
We carry 3cc, 5cc, 6cc, 7cc, 8cc and 10cc darts! These darts are universal and can be used with either model of rifle we carry!
The Model 178BS
An Air-Powered Rifle best used for short to medium ranges. The 178BS is equipped with a pre-mounted holographic scope and can shoot anywhere from 2 feet up to 40 yards, depending on the size of dart and number of strokes used. Most producers find that the air-powered rifle provides more than enough range and power for their required uses on pasture.
The Model 389
A Cartridge-Fired Rifle and is best used for medium to long ranges. The 389 is equipped with a 3-9 x 32mm scope and can shoot anywhere from 0 to 70 yards, depending on dart size and charge power. This rifle loads .22 caliber blanks in a 5-shot clip. There are 3 charges providing different levels of power; brown (level 2), green (level 3) and yellow (level 4). Producers requiring further distances or running bison often opt for the Model 389.
The most commonly used medications for dart-gun treatment are Draxxin®, Lydaxx®, Zuprevo™ and Micotil™ due to their low dose and longer duration of action. Ask our veterinarians for proper drug treatment and dosage for your animal.
Please give us a call to discuss the option best suited for you, your farm and your animals at (780) 986-3269.
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