Providing exceptional veterinary care
to Leduc and area since 1949

Call us at (780) 986 – 3269

SERVICES: Bovine: Calving Assistance

Not all calvings proceed according to plan so we are there 24 hours a day to lend a hand. Call our main-line (780-986-3297) and if it is after hours press 2 to be connected to the veterinarian on call.

A lot of calvings require epidurals, which allow us to manipulate the calf into the correct position from which it can then be extracted normally.

Some calvings, like the one in the photo, require a c-section when the calf is too large.

Some calvings go great at home without the help of a veterinarian! Often, the calf will be born with amniotic fluid in the lungs and stomach and many producers have traditionally lifted the calf upside down in an effort to remove this fluid. However, over the years, studies have revealed this can be more detrimental to our newborns than helpful! Watch the informational video below to learn how you can stimulate breathing and help newborns in those first few minutes of life!

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Calving Assistance